As a long-time lover of handmade gifts, I began making these Name Pennants for friends' kids and babies until they started asking for me to make some for their friends' kids and babies. I was now hand-sewing (yes, picture a needle and thread in between my fingers) the felt letters onto the backgrounds. It was time, y'all... 'a sewing machine' made it's way onto my Christmas list.
When the new sewing machine was delivered to our front door in December of 2018, the side-hustle began! Did I know I would soon be adding a night-job to my full-time day job? Nope, but with a few orders per month, the pennants scratched my creative itch. I spent my days teaching elementary PE and after I put Hewitt to bed, a few days a week I'd work the any open orders I had - might I add, at a snail's pace compared to our present-day production times.
It started to become my routine on most days. When the sun began to go down, the pennants would come out and cover the dining room table.
Even though there may be some noticeable differences between this first ever pennant and the uniformity that we have created within our products at Eventide Pennant Co over the past few years, I look at it with fond nostalgia every time I see it. It was such a fun way to mark Hewitt's monthly growth and also unknowingly the start of this small business!
More to come...
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