For some people, getting the final touches in a room brings a feeling of relief and completion. For Carrie Shaw, there is no such thing as final touches! Carrie's home is constantly changing along with her and her family.
Since moving to their new home in a small town in Indiana, Carrie and her son, Mason, have been hard at work to upgrade him to his own room for this soon-to-be teenager. For the last 12 years, Mason has shared a room with one of his younger brothers. Getting his own space has allowed Mason to develop his own personal style and have more of a say in designing his bedroom. His style has always leaned towards a Ralph Lauren vibe - vintage, preppy, classic. He wanted to transition from a big kid room to a more grown up feel. When Carrie heard this, she was excited to think they would be putting together a room that he would not easily outgrow!

When deciding on bedding, Carrie said that Mason was very picky about the colors he wanted. He had a very clear picture in his head but finding it in real life led them straight to their splurge piece! They settled on a great green, red, and black plaid duvet with matching shams. The perfect vintage-inspired centerpiece to work the rest of the room around.
Carrie also had some great ideas to finish the rest of the room. She knew an American flag, loads of vintage books, and framed artwork would continue on with Mason's theme. Mason himself specifically requested an Eventide Pennant Co Name Pennant to hang above his bed. Clearly, we think Mason has great taste!

Because the rest of the Shaw home has a similar vibe to Mason's room, Carrie knew exactly where to go to continue the classically vintage theme...the thrift store and FBMP! Filling a home with vintage goods takes time, there is no overnight shipping for the perfect antique dresser located in the town over from yours. Carrie was patient as she collected and restored the pieces in Mason's room - and she did an impressive job. Almost everything in Mason's room is in its second home: his wooden bed, the antique desk and chair set, artwork, his vintage trunk, bookshelf + books, chalkboard, the list goes on.
Carrie's favorite pieces in the new space are Mason's antique bed with sailboats carved in the headboard, his second-hand desk and chair set, and his name pennant!

Mason's name was really the start of his love of vintage - he was named after Carrie's grandfather and she said her and her husband easily agreed on the name for their oldest son. When picking a color she wanted something that popped but also matched the rest of the room. Carrie and Mason landed on a forest green background, navy siding, and mustard letters in a cursive font, which she said had a more grown-up, teenage feel to her.

Although we think Mason's room looks perfect, Carrie knows she is constantly changing and shifting things. As Mason continues to grow, Carrie plans on reusing many of the pieces in his bedroom for her younger sons to make room for Mason's evolving style.
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